Wednesday 16 April 2014

TYPOlight Open Source CMS

1. What is TYPOlight?

TYPOlight is an Open Source Content Management Framework developed by Leo Feyer and distributed under the LGPL license (see GPL.txt and LGPL.txt for more information). Its open architecture allows everybody to extend the system to fit his needs. TYPOlight specializes in accessible websites and is accessbile itself (front end and back end), rendering valid XHTML pages.
2. System requirements

- Apache Webserver (recommended) or IIS
- PHP version 5.2 or greater
- MySQL version 4.1 or greater
- PHP extension GDLib
- PHP extension mcrypt (optional)
3. Installation

a. Download a TYPOlight package from and unpack it on your webserver.
b. Open your web browser and go to the TYPOlight install tool at
c. The initial password is "typolight".
d. Follow the instructions of the install tool.
4. How to access the back end (administration area)

Open your web browser and add "/typolight" to the URL of your website. Here are a few examples:


5. Troubleshooting

If you are having problems installing or using TYPOlight, please visit the project website at and read the user's guide or post your question in the TYPOlight forum.